Traffic Division:
The duties of the Traffic Division are divided between two Deputy Clerks.
They are responsible for processing 16,000 to 18,000 traffic citations per year.
In addition, they handle all the paperwork that is involved in DUI/DUS arrests.
Criminal Division:
The duties of the Criminal Division are also handled by two deputy clerks assigned to the Criminal Division. They are responsible for the processing of 4,000 to 5,000 criminal charges that are filed with the court per year.
Support Staff:
There are two additional deputy clerks assigned in the clerks office that are responsible for assisting the public at the Traffic/Criminal windows, receiving payments, and bonds. In addition they process license forfeiture/compact suspension forms, and support the other divisions as needed.
Civil Division:
The duties of the Civil Division are carried out by four deputy clerks assigned to the Civil/Small Claims Division.
They are tasked with handling Civil complaints that are filed, up to $15,000, Small Claims complaints up to $6,000, and wage garnishments.
Probation Department:
The probation office is staffed by four Probation Officers: Mrs. Gillman monitors probationers for courtroom #1, and Mr. Rinehart monitors probationers for courtroom #2. Mr. Riley manages grant fund programs for the probation department, and Mr. Thompson manages the community service program. The probation officers are assisted by the Court Aide, Mrs. Pickerrell.
Court Bailiffs and Recorders:
The Court Bailiffs are responsible for maintaining a schedule of all cases in their respective courtroom, they assist in providing courtroom security, and help to keep track of the Judges Schedule.
Mr. Hyden is the bailiff for Judge Toni L. Eddy and Mr. Thompson is the bailiff for Judge John B. Street.
The Court Recorders ensure that court recordings are created and maintained for all arraignments and preliminary hearings. They are also responsible for transcriptions and other administrative duties as required.
Mrs. Fultz is the recorder for Judge Toni L. Eddy and Ms. Berry is the Recorder for Judge John B. Street.
The Deputy Bailiffs for the court are Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Butler. They serve all of the papers for the court within the city limits and are tasked with the execution of evictions.
Victim Advocate:
The victim advocate assists victims of crimes by providing information about the legal process, dates of proceedings, and making necessary referrals.
For a more information about what they can do for you, please follow the link to Victim/Witness Assistance.